Author Guidelines

ABDINA: Journal of Social and Community Service is a journal published by LP2M Al-Amien Prenduan University every six months, both in print and online versions. This statement describes the ethical behaviour of all parties involved in publishing articles in this journal, including authors, editorial board, bestary partners, and publishers.

Issuance Decision

  1. Title: Maximum 15 words in Indonesian and/or English. The title should be concise and describe the content of the paper. You may use creative titles that attract readers' interest. The words influence, relationship, and case study should not be used in the title.  The location of the research is described in the methods section, it does not need to be mentioned in the title..
  2. Include Author's Name without title, affiliation and author's email.
  3. Abstract: Type the abstract using Indonesian and English. Maximum 200 - 250 with Brill 11 point font, 1 space, justify left-right alignment, no italics. The abstract should be clear, descriptive and should provide a brief overview of the problem under study. The abstract should include the discourse of the discipline area, the purpose of the article, research methods, hypotheses (if any), research findings, contribution of the article within the discipline area. The abstract should end with a comment on the significance of the results or a brief conclusion.
  4. Keywords are written in English and Indonesian with a minimum of 3 words and a maximum of 5 words..
  5. The content of the journal article consists of an introduction in which the service method is also supported, results and discussion, conclusions and suggestions, and a bibliography consisting of 3000-5000 words..
  6. Bibliography: Bibliography writing should use the reference management application Mendeley. The bibliography writing format used in ABDINA: Journal of Social and Community Service is in accordance with the Turabian 8th edition format (full note). Citation using the footnote system.


Larasati Diyah Utami. “Tingkat Literasi Indonesia Di Dunia Rendah, Ranking 62 Dari 70 Negara Artikel Ini Telah Tayang Di Tribunnews.Com Dengan Judul Tingkat Literasi Indonesia Di Dunia Rendah, Ranking 62 Dari 70 Negara.” TribunNews.

Saputra, Aswin. “MATAPPA?: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat PKM Kelompok Guru SMKS Global Mulia Di Mekarmukti Jawa Barat” 3, no. 2015 (2020): 87–91.

Tauhidah, Dian, Novia Sigma Amalina, and Hadi Suwono. “Peningkatan Literasi Informasi Dan Keterampilan Menulis Melalui Penerapan Model Think Talk Write ( TTW ) Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi Mata Kuliah Metodologi Penelitian Di Universitas Negeri Malang.” Jurnal Prosiding 6, no. 2 (2017): 247–252.

Originality and Plagiarism

An author should generally not publish a manuscript describing essentially the same research in more than one major journal or publication. Submitting the same text to more than one journal simultaneously is unethical and unacceptable behaviour.