Abstract: This research aims to describe School Violence phenomenon; the case of Teacher Budi Cahyanto from the perspectives of Education, Religion, and Law. The approach employed is a Descriptive-Qualitative approach, utilizing data from Participatory interviews and observations. Key informants include the Headmaster of SMAN 1 Torjun Sampang, Guidance and Counseling (BK) Teacher, respective families of the perpetrator and victim, as well as witnesses to the incident. The findings indicate that the motivation behind the violence by students towards Teacher Budi Cahyanto at SMAN 1 Torjun Sampang is rooted, firstly, in a strong cultural legitimacy. The prevailing culture asserts that any action demeaning one's dignity deserves retribution. The student (M. Kholili) carried out this retribution through a ritual known as Atokar. Secondly, the perceived 'mischievous' behavior of the student (M. Kholili), despite attempts at subtle education, led the teacher, empowered by legitimacy, to resort to violence under the pretext of disciplining and subduing the student to meet expectations. Preventive measures against violence inflicted by students on Teacher Budi Cahyanto in Sampang Madura, within the realm of Education, involve guidance provided by the BK department regarding anti-violence values. From a Religious perspective, utilizing Religious Teachers to impart knowledge about violence within the framework of Islam is crucial. This religious program is continuously nurtured to become ingrained values shaping the students, ultimately leading to the abandonment of violence. Meanwhile, from a Legal perspective, BK units collaborate with Law Enforcement to disseminate regulations governing the prevention and mitigation of violence within the educational context.
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DOI: 10.28944/dirosat.v8i2.1410
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