This article is about the Kalam Science School as a Reformulation of the Quality of Faith in the Era of Society 5.0. The aim of this research is. This research aims to determine the issue of Kalam science opinions regarding the concepts of faith and kufr, God's actions and human actions, the concept of reason and revelation, the nature of god. Next, to find out about the flow of kalam science as a reformulation of the quality of faith in the era of society 5.0. The research method used is library research, which is research carried out using literature (libraries) in the form of books, notes or reports of research results from previous research. After the data is analyzed, the results of the research show. The results of this research show that each sect has different opinions about the concepts of faith and disbelief, God's actions and human actions, the concepts of reason and revelation, the nature of God. Next, to find out about the flow of kalam science as a reformulation of the quality of faith in the era of society 5.0. These differences are based on the respective postulates which are used as guidelines for each school.
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DOI: 10.28944/dirosat.v8i2.1529
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