Motasim Motasim, Afandi Afandi, Maryam Maryam


Abstract: The modernization of Islamic education in Islamic boarding schools continues to be discussed in the world of national education, because to this day Islamic boarding schools are one of the Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia that have unique diversity that is not the same between Islamic boarding schools. This study examines education at the Nurulhuda Pakandangan Islamic boarding school with a focus on the modernity of education. Using field research methods, the author takes a qualitative approach. Data analysis was carried out by data reduction, display and verification. The results of this research show that the Nurulhuda Islamic Boarding School modernized Islamic education in Islamic boarding schools using direct methods in learning Islamic boarding school materials. Both Nurulhuda Islamic Boarding Schools modernized the study of the yellow book from sorogan which is generally delivered by the Kyai at the mosque, but in this Islamic boarding school it is delivered using classical method with three stages, namely, opening, explanation and questions. Then the aim of learning the yellow book at this Islamic boarding school is to introduce and enrich the students' linguistic insight.



Islamic education modernization, Pesantren Nurulhuda, Leanrning method


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DOI: 10.28944/dirosat.v9i1.1641


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