Abstract: Engagement has become one of the habits of Madurese people in general. Because it is known that the engagement can facilitate the course of the introduction period between men and women as well as the family between the two parties. With the aim of knowing more about the behavior and also all the possibilities that exist in each family and their children. Thus, it will foster a sense of love and a deep understanding of maturity to be able to navigate a sacred bond (marriage). Therefore, there is a need for self-understanding and also a deep self-regulation to maintain how the importance of engagement is in accordance with existing Islamic law. So as not to be wrong Association for children who are already engaged. The purpose of this study was to describe (1) how the picture of the engagement relationship of the final semester intensive student IDIA Prenduan and (2) How self-control in maintaining the engagement relationship of the final semester intensive student IDIA Prenduan. The research methods used in this study using this study using qualitative methods with descriptive type. The informants in this study are five final semester intensive students who have been engaged and the location of this study in IDIA Prenduan precisely in the final semester intensive Student program. Data collection techniques include interviews with structured types, observations with Participant types. While the data analysis used includes data reduction, data presentation and verification. So as to obtain the results of this study indicate that, (1) the description of the engagement relationship intensive final semester student IDIA Prenduan form, as a bond of friendship, lived with honesty and openness, and always establish good communication among families. While (2) self control in maintaining the engagement relationship of intensive female students in the final semester of IDIA Prenduan can make some female students to be able to control decisions, control behavior and cognitive control.
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DOI: 10.28944/dirosat.v9i2.1651
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