In the ever-growing digital era, social media platforms such as TikTok have become an integral part of everyday life, especially among the younger generation. TikTok, with its creative features, is not just a place for entertainment but also has great potential as an educational tool, including in Islamic Religious Education (PAI). This research examines the effectiveness of TikTok as a digital literacy-based PAI learning medium. Through library research methods, various sources are critically analyzed to support this idea. This research begins with a discussion of the basic concepts of digital platforms, especially TikTok, including its history, development, definition and features that support user creativity. Apart from that, various types of digital platforms and their role in the education sector are also discussed. TikTok, as a short video-based platform, offers various features that can support learning, such as adding music, video filters and live streaming features. This research shows that although there is great potential, there are still doubts regarding the effectiveness of TikTok in supporting in-depth understanding and mastery of PAI material. TikTok can be used to clarify abstract concepts through graphic, audio and audio-visual media.
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DOI: 10.28944/dirosat.v9i1.1732
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