Fayruzah El-Faradis, Anik Amuzaqiah


Abstract this research described the implementation of parenting  that has big role in children improvement. The wrong parenting style could made toxic parenting. Toxic parenting will influence children improvement such as their emotional- less self-confidence, anxiety, etc that impacts the children in their early childhood or their future. This research aim to describe how was the toxic parenting and what are causes and effects of toxic parenting at Ketapang.  This research used qualitative, case studies. The sample used simple random sampling and used interview, observation. Data analyzed by triangulation. The result shows that many parents hope the best for their children but delivered in wrong way, in this case they compared their children to others, also disrespect their children and and less of reward from parents of children as their abilities and achievement. So the effect of toxic parents make the children have not enough self-esteem, less confidence, inferior to reach their self-objectives.




parenting, toxic parents, prevent


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DOI: 10.28944/dirosat.v8i1.1824


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