Abstract: Islamic Religious Education which is recognized for its existence in three components, namely, in institutions, subjects, and essence, Zainul Hasan Genggong Islamic University is an Islamic Higher Education institution based on Islamic boarding schools which are by its vision and mission as the Khoiru Ummah Campus, to develop Islamic religious education, can distribute evenly to all students, as a manifestation of responsibility and concern for the public interests of its users, therefore, a special institution was established, with SK NUMBER: 081/012/SK/VIII/2014 as a service, guidance, teaching or lecture institution and administration of Islamic religious education on campus, namely, the Center for the Study of the Qur'an and reading books. It obliges all students in all majors, in semesters I and II, to take part in a one-year lecture program called an intensive lecture program so that all students whose notes are different receive Islamic religious education evenly. The purpose of this research is to determine how lectures are implemented in PSQQ. By using a qualitative descriptive analysis methodology through interviews, observation, and documentation to produce research results the implementation of lectures at PSQQ can be carried out well, through three stages namely planning, process, giving structured assignments, and evaluation
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DOI: 10.28944/dirosat.v8i1.990
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