Indonesia is rich in diversity, but ironically, radicalism and extremist cases that trigger acts of violence and intolerance occur in the educational environment. Apart from these negative things, educational institutions should be a solution to overcoming radicalism, extremism, and intolerance by maximizing the educational process based on excellent and moderate teachings. Therefore, this research aims to discover the types of hidden curriculum that affect the values of moderation and tolerance in educational institutions and how the educational process of moderation and tolerance is based on hidden curriculum in educational institutions. This research was conducted at Pondok Pesantren Nurus Salam Saba Tambak Pamekasan. The type of research used in this research is qualitative research. The results of the study conducted by the researchers showed that the Nurul Salam Saba Tambak Pamekasan Islamic Boarding School, to instill the values of moderation and tolerance, uses the hidden curriculum in three types, namely norms and values, socialization, and emotional learning. The process of moderation and tolerance education at Pondok Pesantren Nurul Salam Saba Tambak Pamekasan makes religious education its foundation. The educational process of the two values is carried out by instilling values through learning, extracurricular activities, ubudiyah activities, and regulations.
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DOI: 10.28944/dirosat.v8i2.1543
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