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Modernity is considered a disruptor of the traditionality of life. On the other hand, humans are considered unable to balance between external and bathiniyah abilities, while humans are treated to many theories and concepts of perfect man (Insan Kamil), so this study was conducted to reveal the concept of Insan Kamil in a religious existential point of view. This study uses library research methods, is the process of conducting research involving the collection and evaluation of data from textual sources, including books, journals, articles, papers, and other library materials related to the Concept of Human Kamil in the Philosophy of Religious Existentialism. The result of this study is that the perfect human being is an entity that manifests in three dimensions at once, namely soul, body and spirit. The entire system of these entities is an organic series that shapes life in accordance with the demands to continue to exist on the mission of humanity. And on the other hand, man incarnates as a perfect being with a series of organic systems.





Insan Kamil, Philosophy, Existential. Religious


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DOI: 10.28944/dirosat.v8i2.1564


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