The study of leadership of kiai in pesantren is always an intriguing topic of discussion, particularly when viewed through the lens of leadership dynamics evolving alongside the changing context of modern times. This research adopts a qualitative approach with a case study methodology. The primary objective of the study is to explore the concept of the utility of multi-leader kiai in the modernization era and to examine the relevance of multi-leader kiai to the development and diversity of pesantren values. The findings of this study reveal the following: First, the concept of multi-leadership is realized through the institutionalized role of the kiai. The kiai positions himself as the central figure, a decision-maker, and is actively involved in all activities of the pesantren, including intra-curricular, extracurricular, and co-curricular programs. Additionally, the kiai assumes the role of al-abb ar-ruhani (spiritual father) for the pesantren community and is actively engaged in external activities. Second, the strategy for instilling values is implemented through role modeling and the development of both cognitive and affective aspects. The kiai instills values by setting an example, nurturing cognitive and affective dimensions, and guiding actions that align with pesantren values. This study underscores the critical role of kiai as a multi-leader figure in maintaining the integrity of pesantren traditions while adapting to the challenges of modernization.
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DOI: 10.28944/dirosat.v8i2.1910
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