Abstract: Harmony is the hope of every religious believer in Indonesia. Hope that is not easy to achieve, but must be viewed optimistically that harmony can be fought for in maintaining the survival of many communities. Religion is a teaching of belief in God that acts as a forum for creating harmonious life in a community. Thus, religion was born with a message of peace, justice, wisdom and mercy for all nature. Many social facts show that conflicts that occur involve religion in their journey. It is suspected that religion not only functions as a social unifier, but can also be an element of conflict. The heterogeneous community of Sumenep City can be a benchmark for religious harmony in the Sumenep district. This research includes field research using a qualitative descriptive approach. Technical data analysis using the Miles and Huberman model with the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion making. This research suggests the form of life of tolerance and religious harmony in the Sumenep district, namely; no sentiment about religion, no conflict between religions, have good relations between religious believers, the establishment of houses of worship side by side, and participate or support in other religious activities. The role of religious leaders has a very important role in maintaining harmony between religious believers in the Sumenep District Sumenep City by not inciting hatred, stature, having a moderate attitude and prioritizing human values.
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DOI: 10.28944/dirosat.v9i2.1985
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