The Influence of Grammatical Hunting Method on the Interest and Learning of Class 4 Students of TMI al-Amien Prenduan on Nahwu Subject Abdul Kirom, Moh. Fuad Salim, Izzat Amini
Analysis of Errors in the Use of the ‘Adad Ma’dud of the Third Reguler of the Subject of Arabic Language Lessons in the Boarding School of Tarbiyatul Mu’allimin al-Islamiyah Prenduan Sumenep Madura Bidari Bidari, Wafiqatul Jamilah
The Effect of Arabic Language as Learning Provided Language on the Listening Skills of The Second Grade Students (Class II A) at Tarbiyatul Mu’allimin AlIslamiyah (TMI) Al-Amien Prenduan Sumenep Madura Ainul Yakin, Taufik Hidayat Pulungan
The Effectiveness of Using the Scramble Method on the Efficiency in Mastering of vocabulary for the Arabic Language (Students of the Seventh Grade D in the Islamic At-Taufiqiyah Secondary School) Yusfar Ramadhan, Syavita Septiana
The Correlation Between Genre of Texts and Students’ Reading Comprehension in Arabic Lenguage of the Eight Class of MTs Ummul Quro Pamekasan M Mansyur
Difficulties in Reading Muthala'ah Subject among Second-Semester Students of Al-Amien Islamic University Athifah Saifurrahman, Nursyamsih Nursyamsih